IFIAR Members discuss responses to COVID-19 with GPPC representatives

IFIAR Members discuss responses to COVID-19 with GPPC representatives

IFIAR Member regulators from around the world met by video conference on May 26 with representatives from the six largest global audit firm networks (GPPC*) to discuss the GPPC network’s responses to the COVID-19 crisis. The GPPC provided IFIAR Members with an outline of the challenges their networks and the companies they audit are facing in the area of financial reporting and audit due to the impact of COVID-19.

IFIAR Chair, Frank Schneider, noted the importance of the continued engagement between IFIAR and external stakeholders such as the GPPC going forward: “Continued engagement between all those involved in the financial reporting ecosystem is vitally important during these uncertain times. The GPPC outlined the challenges that are currently faced by preparers and auditors in a financial landscape that has been dominated by the impact of COVID-19 on businesses around the world, and the steps being taken in response. IFIAR continues to stress the importance of audit firms’ compliance with the relevant auditing standards during this crisis, as investors and other stakeholders depend more than ever on accurate information. IFIAR Members will continue to share information on how the regulatory environment is adapting to the crisis – and we are grateful to IFIAR Members and the GPPC for the continued dialogue in this respect”.

The IFIAR website has a dedicated page to provide the public with access to the latest information, updates and developments from IFIAR Members in response to the COVID-19 crisis. This page is accessed here.



*The Global Public Policy Committee (GPPC) is the global forum of representatives from the six largest accounting networks: BDO, Deloitte, EY, Grant Thornton, KPMG, and PwC, which has as its public interest objective the enhancement of quality in auditing and financial reporting.